А я с ним не работаю я с ним развлекаюсь
Геймерша значит?
И каков геймерский стаж?
Цифровое Железо |
Что-то 1.1 | Что-то 2.1 | Что-то 3.1 |
Что-то 1.2 | Что-то 2.2 | Что-то 3.2 |
Что-то 1.3 | Что-то 2.3 | Что-то 3.3 |
Привет, Гость! Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь.
Вы здесь » Цифровое Железо » Персональные компьютеры » Каков Ваш опыт в работе с компьютером? ¤i¤
А я с ним не работаю я с ним развлекаюсь
Геймерша значит?
И каков геймерский стаж?
1.Админ всегда прав.
2.Если Админ не прав, смотри пункт первый.
3.Модератор всегда прав.
4.Если модератор не прав, то об этом знает Админ, а про Админа смотри пункт первый.
ааааааааааааааааа ббббббббббббббб ввввввввввввввввв
.Админ всегда прав.
2.Если Админ не прав, смотри пункт первый.
3.Модератор всегда прав.
4.Если модератор не прав, то об этом знает Админ, а про Админа смотри пункт первый
.Админ всегда прав.
2.Если Админ не прав, смотри пункт первый.
3.Модератор всегда прав.
4.Если модератор не прав, то об этом знает Админ, а про Админа смотри пункт первый
.Админ всегда прав.
2.Если Админ не прав, смотри пункт первый.
3.Модератор всегда прав.
4.Если модератор не прав, то об этом знает Админ, а про Админа смотри пункт первый
olobdur написал(а):
Завидую крутой завистью
Код:/************************************************************** *************************************************************** *******************-----------------------********************* *******************--New Design Template--********************* *******************-----------------------********************* *************************************************************** *************************************************************** *********************--------------------********************** *********************--Style Absolution--********************** *********************--------------------********************** *************************************************************** *************************************************************** ************--------------------------------------************* ************--The template is made by kolobdur74--************* ************--------------------------------------************* *************************************************************** *************************************************************** ***************--------------------------------**************** ***************--Made for the service mybb.ru--**************** ***************--------------------------------**************** *************************************************************** ***************************************************************/ /************************************************************** A - General * ***************************************************************/ /* A1 Zeroing out and General -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A1.1 */ *, html, body { margin: 0; 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height: 2vw; border-width: 0.1vw !important; margin: 0.01vw 0.44vw 0.1vw 0; } /* D4.2 */ .punbb em.user-avatar img.on_ { width: 0.4vw; height: 0.4vw; margin: 0.1vw 0.8vw 0 -0.88vw; } /* D4.3 */ #pun_wrap #pun .punbb em.user-avatar { height: 2vw; } /* D5 Table Statistic -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D5.1 */ #pun-statistic td { padding: 1vw; } /* D5.2 */ #pun-statistic .tc2, #pun-statistic .tc3, #pun-searchtopics .tc2 { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/28708.png) no-repeat, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/66968.png) no-repeat, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/67892.png) no-repeat; } /* D5.3 */ #pun-searchtopics .tc2 { width: 20%; background-position: 0.5vw 0.3vw, 16.5vw 0.3vw, 1.8vw 0.3vw; background-size: 1.4vw 2.4vw, 1.4vw 2.4vw, 15vw 2.4vw; } /* D5.4 */ #pun-statistic .tc2 { background-size: 0 0; } /* D5.5 */ #pun-statistic td:before { padding-bottom: 0.2vw; } /* D5.6 */ #most_viewed_topics .tc2, #most_replied_topics .tc2{ text-align: center !important; 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} /* D5.13 */ #pun-statistic td:nth-child(4):before { content: 'Сообщений:'; } /* D5.14 */ #administration td:nth-child(5):before, #most_invitations:nth-child(5):before { content: 'Был:'; } /* D5.15 */ #most_active td:nth-child(5):before { content: '% сообщений:'; } /* D5.16 */ #most_connected td:nth-child(5):before { content: 'Провел на форуме:'; } /* D5.17 */ #most_invitations:nth-child(5):before { content: 'Приглашений:'; } /* D5.18 */ #most_viewed_topics td:nth-child(3):before, #most_replied_topics td:nth-child(3):before{ content: 'Ответов:'; } /* D5.19 */ #most_viewed_topics td:nth-child(4):before, #most_replied_topics td:nth-child(4):before { content: 'Просмотров:'; } /* D5.20 */ #most_viewed_topics .tc2:before, #most_replied_topics .tc2:before { content: 'Автор:'; } /************************************************************** E - Home Statistics and About * ***************************************************************/ /* E1 Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* E1.1 */ #pun-stats .container { padding: 1vw 1vw 1vw 4vw; background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/76292.png) no-repeat 1vw 1vw, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/97918.png) no-repeat 1vw 4.2vw #FFFFFF; background-size: 2vw 2vw, 2vw 2vw; } /* E1.2 */ #pun-stats .item1, #pun-stats .item2 { float: left; clear: both; } /* E1.3 */ #pun-stats .item3, #pun-stats .item4 { text-align: right; } /* E1.4 */ #pun-stats .item4 {padding-bottom: 1vw;} /* E2 About -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* E2.1 */ #pun-about { text-align: right; } /* E2.2 */ #pun-about img { width: 0.5vw; height: auto; } /************************************************************** F - Postlink, Pagelink and Modmenu * ***************************************************************/ /* F1 -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* F1.1 */ .linksb{ padding-bottom: 3.3vw; border-top: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; border-bottom: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; } /* F1.2 */ .postlink { padding: 0.4vw 0; } /* F1.3 */ .pagelink { float: left; 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border: none; border-right: 0.05vw solid #c3dbf0; } /* G3 - Viewtopic Links -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* G3.1 */ .post-links { flex: 1 100%; margin: 0; order: -1; line-height: 1.72vw; background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/28629.png) repeat-x left top; background-size: 0.2vw 100%; } /* G3.2 */ .pl-email { float: left; } /* G3.3 */ .pl-delete, .pl-edit, .pl-quote { float: right; } /* G3.4 */ .post-links a { display: inline-block; padding: 0 1.30vw 0 1.82vw; border-left: 0.05vw solid #c3dbf0; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 0 0.04vw 0 #FFFFFF; font-size: 0.72vw; text-align: center; } /* G3.5 */ .post-links li:nth-child(1) a { border-left: none; background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/41271.png) no-repeat 0.7vw 0.4vw; } /* G3.6 */ .post-links li:nth-child(2) a { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/25075.png) no-repeat 0.7vw 0.4vw; } /* G3.7 */ .post-links li:nth-child(3) a { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/94701.png) no-repeat 0.7vw 0.4vw; 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height: 0.6vw; } /* G4.2 */ .pa-avatar { position:relative; width: 8vw; height: 8vw; overflow: hidden; margin: 0.3vw auto 0.6vw auto; border: 0.4vw solid #CFE3F5; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0.2vw 0.6vw #666; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0.2vw 0.6vw #666; box-shadow: 0 0.2vw 0.6vw #666; } /* G4.3 */ .pa-avatar img { min-width: 8vw; min-height: 8vw; max-width: 10vw; width: auto; height: auto; position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%); } /* G5 - Mini profile (Online and Offline) -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* G5.1 */ .punbb .post-author li.pa-online strong { display: none; } /* G5.2 */ .punbb .container .post-author li.pa-online, .punbb .container .post-author li.pa-last-visit { position: absolute; top: 0.8vw; right: 1vw; font-size: 0; } /* G5.3 */ .punbb .container .post-author li.pa-online:before, .punbb .container .post-author li.pa-last-visit:before { position: relative; display: inline-block; height: 0.5vw; width: 2.6vw; 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width: 0.68vw; height: 0.8vw; background-size: 100% 100%; } /* G7 - Viewtopic Spoiler, Code, Cite, Rating -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* G7.1 */ .code-box, .quote-box { padding: 1vw; } /* G7.2 */ .scrollbox { overflow: auto; } /* G7.3 */ .blockcode { background: #fff url(http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JwD5r652h00/Sz4WJqXLy5I/AAAAAAAAAUo/tl0XwXfvErQ/s1600/codesbg1.png) no-repeat top left; background-size: 18.6vw 75.7vw; color: #767675; } /* G7.4 */ .quote-box blockquote { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/74380.png) repeat-y 0.36vw top, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/77978.png) #fff no-repeat top left; background-size: 1vw 3vw, 18.6vw 75.7vw; padding-top: 1vw; padding-bottom: 1vw; } /* G7.5 */ .spoiler-box>blockquote { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/63209.png) repeat-y 0.36vw top, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/77978.png) #fff no-repeat top left; background-size: 1vw 3vw, 18.6vw 75.7vw; 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border: 0 !important; padding: 0.1vw !important; } /* G7.12 */ .post-sig { margin-top: 1vw; padding-top: 1vw; border-top: 0.06vw solid #CFE3F5; } /************************************************************** H - The Form * ***************************************************************/ /* H1 - BB-code General -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H1.1 */ #post { position: relative; border-bottom: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; } /* H1.2 */ #post, .fs-box {padding-bottom: 1vw;} /* H1.3 */ #post legend {display: none;} /* H1.4 */ .punbb #form-buttons td img {height: 1.34vw;} /* H1.5 */ .punbb #form-buttons td img:hover, #font-area div:hover, #size-area div:hover, #addition-area div:hover { background: rgba(0, 191, 255, 0.1); } /* H1.6 */ #pun .punbb form .fs-box div.container { top: 1.4vw; padding: 0.5vw 0; border: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; z-index: 1; background: #F0F6FB; } /* H1.7 */ #pun .punbb form .fs-box div.container>div {padding: 0.2vw 1vw;} /* H1.8 */ .punbb #form-buttons table, #pun .punbb .formal textarea { width: 100%; padding: 0; } /* H1.9 */ #pun .punbb form#post table td { border-radius: 0; vertical-align: top; } /* H1.10 */ #pun #pun-messages.punbb #post-form div.container {padding-left: 0;} /* H2 - BB-code Button Background Image -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H2.1 */ .punbb td#button-font {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/56964.png);} /* H2.2 */ .punbb td#button-size {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/46771.png);} /* H2.3 */ .punbb td#button-bold {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/75175.png);} /* H2.4 */ .punbb td#button-italic {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/18094.png);} /* H2.5 */ .punbb td#button-underline {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/38832.png);} /* H2.6 */ .punbb td#button-strike {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/96875.png);} /* H2.7 */ .punbb td#button-left {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/98382.png);} /* H2.8 */ .punbb td#button-center {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/63331.png);} /* H2.9 */ .punbb td#button-right {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/65496.png);} /* H2.10 */ .punbb td#button-link {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/44546.png);} /* H2.11 */ .punbb td#button-spoiler {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/93201.png);} /* H2.12 */ .punbb td#button-image {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/47703.png);} /* H2.13 */ .punbb td#button-video {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/47797.png);} /* H2.14 */ .punbb td#button-hide {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/38294.png);} /* H2.15 */ .punbb td#button-quote {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/21563.png);} /* H2.16 */ .punbb td#button-code {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/99605.png);} /* H2.17 */ .punbb td#button-color {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/22440.png);} /* H2.18 */ .punbb td#button-table {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/74353.png);} /* H2.19 */ .punbb td#button-smile {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/14764.png);} /* H2.20 */ .punbb td#button-keyboard {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/63278.png);} /* H2.21 */ .punbb td#button-addition {background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/26125.png);} /* H2.22 */ #pun .punbb #form-buttons table td { border-left: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; background-size: 0.8vw 0.8vw; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /* H2.23 */ #pun #pun-post #form-buttons table td, #pun #pun-messages #form-buttons table td { border-bottom: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; } /* H2.24 */ .punbb #form-buttons table td:last-child {border-right: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5;} /* H3 - BB-code Font, Size, Video, Color, Smilies, Addition, Keyboard -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H3.1 */ .punbb #font-area span, .punbb #font-area img { height: 1.4vw; padding: 0; } /* H3.2 */ .punbb #font-area img {margin-top: -1.9vw;} /* H3.3 */ .punbb #font-area { right: 83.2vw; min-width: 11vw; } /* H3.4 */ .punbb #size-area {right: 85.15vw;} /* H3.5 */ .punbb #video-area {right: 17.03vw;} /* H3.6 */ .punbb #smilies-area, #video-area {width: 26vw;} /* H3.7 */ .punbb #color-area {right: 18.1vw;} /* H3.8 */ .punbb #color-area table { width: 26vw; height: 1.6vw; } /* H3.9 */ .punbb #color-area td img, .punbb #table-area td img { width: 1.6vw; height: 1.6vw; } /* H3.10 */ .punbb #table-area table {margin: 0 auto;} /* H3.11 */ .punbb #smilies-area, .punbb #addition-area, .punbb #keyboard-area {right: 0;} /* H4 - BB-code Keyboard -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H4.1 */ .punbb #keyboard-area {padding: 1vw;} /* H4.3 */ .punbb #keyboard-span input { font-weight: bold; margin: 0.1vw 0.1vw 0 0; border: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; height: 2vw; width: 2vw; padding: 0; } /* H4.4 */ .punbb #keyboard-span input[value*=Space] {width: 9vw;} /* H4.5 */ .punbb #keyboard-span input[value*=Enter], .punbb #keyboard-span input[value*=Caps] { width: 6vw; } /* H4.6 */ .punbb #keyboard-span input[value*=Tab], .punbb #keyboard-span input[value*=Back] { width: 4vw; } /* H5 - BB-code Image -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H5.1 */ .punbb #image-area { width: 30vw; right: 14.95vw; } /* H5.2 */ #image-area table { background: #F0F6FB; border: none; } /* H5.3 */ .punbb #image-area select {width: 7vw;} /* H5.4 */ .punbb #imageupload-left {width: 8.9vw;} /* H5.5 */ .punbb #imageupload-right {width: 20vw;} /* H5.6 */ .punbb .uploadQueueItem { padding: 0.4vw 0.4vw; border: solid 0.05vw #ddd; border-radius: 0.2vw; margin-bottom: 0.1vw; } /* H5.7 */ .punbb .uploadQueueItem .cancel { font-size: 5vw; margin: -4.2vw 0 0; } /* H5.8 */ .punbb .uploadProgress { height: 0.3vw; margin: 0.2vw 0 0; } /* H5.9 */ .punbb .uploadProgressBar {height: 0.3vw;} /* H5.10 */ .fileName {font: 0.6vw Courier New, verdana, arial, helvetica;} /* H5.11 */ .punbb #upload-button-container, .punbb #image-width, .punbb #image-thumb-width, .punbb #image-insert-format, .punbb #insert-all-images-container, .punbb #insert-image-tip { margin-top: 1vw; } /* H5.12 */ .punbb #image-width strong, .punbb #image-insert-format strong { display: block; } /* H5.13 */ .punbb #uploaded-images img { width: 4vw; height: 2.8vw; border: 0.1vw solid #CFE3F5; margin-right: 0.4vw; } /* H5.15 */ .punbb #video-area-tinp, .punbb #image-area-tinp { margin: 0.6vw 0; padding: 0.4vw; border: 0.05vw solid #CFE3F5; height: 5vw; } /* H5.16 */ .punbb #imageQueue, .punbb #uploaded-images { max-height: 14vw !important; margin-bottom: 0.4vw; } /* H5.17 */ .punbb #image-source-list a, .punbb #image-area-actions a { margin-right: 0.8vw; } /* H6 - Related Topics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* H6.1 */ #pun-post .inputfield label, #pun-post .inputfield span input { display: inline-block; margin: 1vw 0; } /* H6.2 */ #pun-post .inputfield span input {width: 50vw;} /* H6.3 */ #pun-post .inputfield label, #profile form:not(#profile2) .infofield, #profile dt, #pun-admain label, div#pun-admain .adlabel, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer th { color: #C71585; } /* H6.4 */ #s-topics thead, #pun-userlist thead, #pun-admin_paid_services thead { display: table-header-group; } /* H6.5 */ #s-topics th, #pun-userlist .main thead th { height: 2.6vw; font: 0.8vw Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #FFFFFF; text-shadow: 0 -0.1vw 0 #082c52; } /* H6.6 */ #pun #pun-post .similar-topics #s-topics th, #s-topics th strong { font-weight: normal !important; } /* H6.7 */ #pun #pun-post .similar-topics #s-topics th, #pun-userlist .main thead th { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/42208.png) left top no-repeat, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/51873.gif) center top repeat-x !important; background-size: 24vw 2.6vw, 0.1vw 2.6vw !important; } /* H6.8 */ #pun #pun-post .similar-topics #s-topics th:nth-child(2), #pun-userlist .main thead th:nth-child(2), #pun-userlist .main thead th:nth-child(3), #pun-userlist .main thead th:nth-child(4), #pun-userlist .main thead th:nth-child(5) { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/51873.gif) center top repeat-x !important; background-size: 0.1vw 2.6vw !important; } /* H6.9 */ #pun #pun-post .similar-topics #s-topics th:last-child, #pun-userlist .main thead th:last-child { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/69437.png) right top no-repeat, url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/51873.gif) center top repeat-x !important; background-size: 0.5vw 2.6vw, 0.1vw 2.6vw !important; } /* H6.10 */ #pun #pun-post .similar-topics #s-topics th.t1 {padding-left: 1vw;} /* H6.11 */ #s-topics tr, .punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset p, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer th { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/10324.png) repeat-x left top; background-size: 0.8vw 100%; } /* H6.12 */ #s-topics td a {display: inline-block;} /* H6.13 */ #pun-post form .checkfield {padding: 1vw;} /* H6.14 */ #pun-post form .checkfield input {margin-right: 1vw;} /* H6.15 */ .punbb #similar-topics {margin-top: 0;} /* H6.16 */ .punbb #similar-topics div.container {padding-top: 0;} /* H6.17 */ .punbb #similar-topics td { padding: 0.5vw 1vw; border-right: 0.04vw solid #d7e5f2; border-bottom: 0.04vw solid #d7e5f2; } /* H6.18 */ .punbb #similar-topics td.st-tc2, .punbb #similar-topics td.st-tcr { text-align: center; } /************************************************************** I - Profile * ***************************************************************/ /* I1 - General Profile -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* I1.1 */ #profile {padding-top: 0 !important;} /* I1.2 */ #profilenav {margin-bottom: 1vw;} /* I1.3 */ #profilenav h2 {display: none;} /* I1.4 */ #profilenav ul { display: flex; flex-flow: row nowrap; justify-content: center; margin-top: -0.27vw; } /* I1.5 */ #profilenav ul li a {padding: 1vw 1.736vw;} /* I1.6 */ #profile form, #profile .fs-box>p:not(.checkfield) { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: space-between; } /* I1.7 */ #profilenav, #profile .formsubmit { flex: 1 100%; } /* I1.8 */ #profile fieldset:nth-child(2), #profile fieldset:nth-child(3), #profile fieldset:nth-child(4), #profile fieldset:nth-child(5) { flex: 2 24%; padding: 0.4vw; border: 0.05vw solid #c3dbf0; } /* I1.9 */ #profile1 fieldset:nth-child(2), #profile1 fieldset:nth-child(3), #profile1 fieldset:nth-child(4), #profile6 fieldset:nth-child(2) { border-right: 0; } /* I1.10 */ .punbb fieldset legend { text-align: center; font-size: 1.1em; } /* I1.11 */ #profile input[type=checkbox], #profile input[type=radio] { margin: 1vw; } /* I1.12 */ #profile input[type=submit], #profile1 input[type=text], .punbb #profile select { width: 15.4vw; } /* I1.13 */ #profile input, #profile .fs-box p { margin-bottom: 1vw; } /* I1.14 */ #profile .fs-box {padding: 0;} /* I1.15 */ #profile .formsubmit {margin-top: 0.6vw;} /* I1.16 */ #profile .formsubmit input { float:right; width: 8.8vw; } /* I1.17 */ #profile label, #profile .label, #profile legend, #profile #profile2 .infofield { font-weight: 600; text-shadow: 0 0.04vw 0 #FFFFFF; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } /* I1.18 */ #profile form:not(#profile8) label, #profile #profile2 .infofield { padding-top: 0.7vw; } /* I1.19 */ .punbb #profile form:not(#profile2) .areafield .input {width: 100%;} /* I2 - Profile edits -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* I2.1 */ #profile2 br {display: none;} /* I2.2 */ #profile2 input, #profile3 .input input { width: 80vw; } /* I2.3 */ #profile2 input[type=radio] { margin: 0 1vw; width: 1vw; } /* I2.4 */ .punbb #profile #profile2 select { display: inline-block; width: 27.1vw; } /* I2.5 */ #pun .punbb #profile2 textarea {width: 81.7vw;} /* I2.6 */ #profile #profile2 .infofield, #profile #profile2 .radiofield { display: inline-block; } /* I2.7 */ #profile #profile2 .infofield {margin-right: 9.7vw;} /* I2.8 */ #profile2 em {margin-top: -0.9vw;} /* I2.9 */ #profile4 .checkfield label[for=fld1] {float: left;padding: 0;} /* I2.10 */ #profile4 .infofield {padding: 1vw 0;} /* I2.11 */ #profile4 .avatardemo { position: absolute; margin-left: 9vw; margin-top: 3vw; width: 3.9vw; height: auto; } /* I2.12 */ #profile5 .parsedsig, #profile5 textarea { margin-top: 0.5vw; } /* I2.13 */ #profile7 .infofield {margin-top: 2vw;} /* I2.14 */ #profile7 .infofield:nth-child(2) {margin-top: 0;} /* I2.15 */ #profile8 label { display: inline-block !important; margin-top: -0.5vw; vertical-align: middle; } /* I2.16 */ #profile9 .input input[type=text] {width: 30vw;} /* I2.17 */ #profile10 #profile-uploads td { height: 7vw; background-size: 100% 100%; } /* I2.18 */ #profile10 #profile-uploads td img { width: 1.04vw; height: auto; } /* I2.19 */ #profile10 #profile-uploads input[type=checkbox] {margin: -2vw 0 0 0.6vw !important;} /* I2.20 */ #profile #profile8 fieldset, #profile #profile9 fieldset, #profile #profile10 fieldset { flex: 1 100%; margin-bottom:1vw; } /* I2.21 */ #profile #profile10 .fs-box {padding-bottom: 1vw} /************************************************************** J - Messages, Userlist and Search * ***************************************************************/ /* J1 - Messages -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* J1.1 */ #pun-messages #profilenav ul { background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/87912.gif) repeat-x left top; background-size: 0.1vw 100%; } /* J1.2 */ #pun-messages #profilenav ul:nth-child(2) {margin-top: 2vw;} /* J1.3 */ #pun-messages #profilenav ul:nth-child(4) {margin-top: 0vw;} /* J1.4 */ #pun-messages #profile input[type=checkbox] {margin: 0.2vw 1vw;} /* J1.5 */ #pun-messages .main .tc2 {background: none;} /* J1.6 */ #pun-messages .main .tc3 { background-position: 4.9vw 50%; background-size: 5vw 2.4vw; } /* J1.7 */ #pun-messages .main .tc2 a { display: inline-block; padding-top: 0.5vw; } /* J1.8 */ #pun-messages fieldset legend {margin-bottom: 1vw;} /* J1.9 */ #pun-messages #notify-settings {padding-top: 1vw;} /* J1.10 */ #pun-messages p.inputfield.required { justify-content: flex-start; margin-top: 1vw; } /* J1.11 */ #pun-messages label, #pun-userlist label, #pun-search label { display: inline-block; min-width: 10vw; margin-right: 1vw; } /* J1.12 */ #pun-messages .input input { min-width: 20vw; margin-top: 0.4vw; } /* J2 - Userlist -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* J2.1 */ #pun-userlist #userlist {margin: 2vw 0;} /* J2.2 */ #pun-userlist fieldset, #pun-search fieldset { padding: 0.4vw; border: 0.05vw solid #c3dbf0; } /* J2.3 */ #pun-userlist fieldset legend, #pun-search fieldset legend { font-weight: bold; } /* J2.4 */ #pun-userlist .fs-box p, #pun-search .fs-box p { margin-bottom: 0.4vw; } /* J2.5 */ #pun-userlist .input input, #pun-search .input input { min-width: 20vw; } /* J2.6 */ #pun-userlist .input select, #pun-search .input select { min-width: 21.8vw; } /* J2.7 */ #pun-userlist .formsubmit, #pun-search .formsubmit { margin-top: 1vw; } /* J2.8 */ #pun-userlist .main thead th:first-child { padding-left: 2vw; text-align: left; } /* J2.9 */ #pun-userlist .main .tcl { width: 10%; padding-left: 1vw; } /* J2.10 */ #pun-userlist .main td { padding: 0.5vw 0; } /* J2.11 */ #pun-userlist .main td:not(:last-child) { border-right: 0.04vw solid #d7e5f2; } /* J2.12 */ #pun-userlist .main td {background-position: 50% 50%;} /* J2.13 */ #pun-userlist .main td:nth-child(1) a:not(.user-avatar-link) { display: inline-block; padding-top: 0.4vw; } /* J2.14 */ #pun-userlist .main td:nth-child(2) {background: none;} /* J2.15 */ #pun-userlist .main td:nth-child(5), #pun-userlist .main td:nth-child(6) { background-position: 47% 50%; background-size: 5.6vw 2.4vw; } /* J2.16 */ #pun-search label {min-width: 13vw;} /************************************************************** K - Bookmarks * ***************************************************************/ /* K1 - Bookmarks on the main page -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* K1.1 */ #pun #BookmCntToggle.default-style { top: 0.6vw; left: 0.6vw; height: 1.4vw; width: 1.2vw; border-left: solid 0.24vw currentColor; box-shadow: 0 0 0.3vw rgba(0,0,0,.42); background: url(https://forumstatic.ru/files/000e/14/cc/24526.png) no-repeat center center; background-size: 100% 100%; color: #000080; } /* K1.2 */ #pun #MyBookmarks { width: 13vw !important; padding: 0 !important; } /* K1.3 */ #pun #MyBookmarks #bm2 { border-width: 0.3vw 0.6vw 0.3vw 0; border-color: transparent #ebf4fc transparent transparent; } /* K1.4 */ #pun #MyBookmarks span.scrl {width: 6.5vw;} /* K1.5 */ #pun #MyBookmarks span.scrl.b {left: 6.6vw;} /* K1.6 */ #pun #MyBookmarks li span strong {font-size: 0.8vw;} /* K1.7 */ #pun #MyBookmarks li.BookmarkL>span:hover>dd {margin-left: -6.8vw;} /* K1.8 */ #pun #MyBookmarks li.BookmarkL>span>dd { width: 20vw; left: 19vw; } /* K1.9 */ #pun #BookmCntToggle.default-style:before { width: 0.4vw; height: 0.53vw; margin-left: 0.15vw; } /* K1.10 */ #pun #BookmCntToggle.default-style:after { border-width: 0 0.2vw 0.3vw; left: 0.15vw; top: 0.54vw; } /* K2 - Post Bookmarks -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* K2.1 */ #pun .post .bookmark { width: 1.8vw; height: 0.84vw; } /* K2.2 */ #pun .post .bookmark:before { left: -0.77vw; border-width: 0.42vw 0 0.42vw 0.77vw; } /* K2.3 */ #pun span.delBookmark {width: 2vw !important;} /* K2.4 */ #pun span.delBookmark+span { float: left; padding-left: 1vw; width: 12vw; } /* K3 - Tipsy, Tipsy Respect, Tipsy Bookmarks -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* K3.1 */ .punbb .tipsy { padding: 0.27vw; font-size: 0.6vw; } /* K3.2 */ .punbb .tipsy-se .tipsy-arrow {right: 0.6vw;} /* K3.3 */ table#respect {table-layout: auto;} /* K3.14 */ .tipsy.tipsy-e.bookmark { font-size: 1vw; right: 7vw; margin-top: -0.5vw; margin-left: -8vw; padding: 0.3vw; } /* K3.5 */ .tipsy.tipsy-e.bookmark .tipsy-arrow { margin-top: -0.3vw; border: solid 0.3vw; border-color: transparent transparent transparent black; border-right: 0; } /* K3.6 */ .tipsy.tipsy-e.bookmark .tipsy-inner { padding: 0.3vw 0.4vw 0.4vw; max-width: 50vw !important; min-width: 5vw !important; border-radius: 0.3vw; -moz-border-radius: 0.3vw; -webkit-border-radius: 0.3vw; } /************************************************************** L - Administration * ***************************************************************/ /* L1 - General Administration -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* L1.1 */ #pun .punbb-admin select {width: 18vw;} /* L1.2 */ .punbb-admin input.button {width: 10vw;} /* L1.3 */ #pun-adnav li:hover {background: rgba(0, 191, 255, 0.1);} /* L1.4 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .isactive a {color: #C71585;} /* L1.5 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain a:hover {color: rgba(0, 129, 236, 0.8);} /* L1.6 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain { display: inline-flex; flex-flow: row wrap; justify-content: flex-start; padding: 0 1vw; } /* L1.7 */ .punbb-admin #pun-adnav { flex: 1 10%; margin-left: 0; } /* L1.8 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain1 { flex: 1 89%; } /* L1.9 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain2, .punbb-admin .linksb { flex: 1 100%; } /* L1.10 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain1, .punbb-admin #pun-admain2 { height: 100%; overflow-x: auto; } /* L1.11 */ #pun-admin_forums.punbb-admin #pun-admain1 { flex: 1 40%; } /* L1.12 */ #pun-admin_forums.punbb-admin #pun-admain2 { flex: 1 49%; margin-top: 0; } /* L2 - Edit Administration -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* L2.1 */ .punbb-admin .adformal h2, .punbb-admin #pun-adnav h2, .punbb-admin .adcontainer, .punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer td { border-color: #d7e5f2; } /* L2.2 */ .punbb-admin .adformal h2, .punbb-admin #pun-adnav h2 { border-width: 0 0 0.04vw 0; } /* L2.3 */ .punbb-admin .adcontainer { border-width: 0 0.04vw 0.04vw 0.04vw; } /* L2.4 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset { border-width: 0.04vw; padding: 0 1vw; } /* L2.5 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset p { padding: 0.6vw 0; border-color: transparent; } /* L2.6 */ #pun-admin_censoring.punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset p, #pun-admin_ranks.punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset p { padding: 1.6vw 0; } /* L2.7 */ #pun-admin_style .contains-textarea:nth-child(3) {display: none;} /* L2.8 */ #pun-admin_style .contains-textarea textarea {min-height: 50vw;} /* L2.9 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain legend span { padding: 0 0.2vw; margin: 0 0 0 -0.78vw; background-color: transparent; } /* L2.10 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain1 form.adcontainer, .punbb-admin #pun-admain2 form.adcontainer, .punbb-admin #pun-admain1 div.adcontainer, .punbb-admin #pun-admain2 div.adcontainer { padding: 1vw; } /* L2.11 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adinput {padding: 0 0.5vw;} /* L2.12 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain textarea, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .longinput input { width: 100%; } /* L2.13 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .tcr input {width: 92%;} /* L2.14 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adcontainer td {border-width: 0.04vw 0 0 0.04vw;} /* L2.15 */ .punbb-admin .postlink a {width: 26vw;} /* L2.16 */ #pun-admin_categories #pun-admain1 fieldset:last-of-type p { background: url(/i/draggable.png) 98% center no-repeat rgba(0, 191, 255, 0.1); background-size: 0.8vw 1.6vw; } /* L2.17 */ #pun-admin_ranks .adsubmitfield .adsubmit {margin-top: -0.4vw;} /* L2.18 */ #pun-admin_files .pagelink { margin-top: 2vw; width: 100%; } /* L2.19 */ #pun-admin_files.punbb-admin input.button {width: 18vw;} /* L2.20 */ .punbb-admin .adformal {border: none;} /* L2.21 */ #pun-admin_pages tr:last-child td {border-bottom-width: 0.04vw;} /* L2.22 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adformal p.submittop, .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adformal p.submitend { padding-bottom: 0.4vw; } /* L2.23 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain fieldset p {margin-bottom: 0.15vw;} /* L2.24 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adinput em { padding-top: 0.06vw; padding-bottom: 0.06vw; } /* L2.25 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adformal li {padding-left: 0.2vw;} /* L2.26 */ .punbb-admin #pun-admain .adformal p.adinfofield {padding: 0 0 0.2vw 0;} /* L2.27 */ #fileQueue {margin-top: 0.2vw !important;} /* L2.28 */ #pun-admin_files .adcontainer div[style="padding:10px 0"] {padding: 0.2vw 0 !important;} /* L2.29 */ #pun-admin_promotion .adinput input[style="margin-left:10px"] {margin-left: 0.3vw!important;}
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